

All Purpose Care & Trauma Manikin (Basic)

Product size(mm)1025*540*480


Adult patient manikin with a wide range of modules for training of trauma care in various emergencies as well as basic care.

Skills Gained

· Tracheal intubation

Facial cleansing and dental care

· NG tube for lavage/feeding

· Post-tracheotomy care

· Oral, nasal and tracheal tube suctioning

· Suturing

· Hemostasis and dressing

· Intravenous and intramuscular injection

· Catheterization and enema


· Anatomy:

1)    Whole body with three interchangeable heads

2)    Standard intubation head with manually generated carotid pulse and dilated and normal pupils

3)    Trauma intubation head with avulsed ear, lacerations of eye, lip, neck and scalp, anisocoria, bleeding nose, impaled cheek, broken teeth, contused face

4)    General trauma head with fractured skull, nose, jawbone and cervical vertebra, unilateral mydriasis, hemotympanum, deviated trachea

· Key Features:

1) Amputated/trauma leg & amputated/trauma arm can be infused with simulated blood to represent bleeding under arterial pressure

2) A “pop” is felt as the needle enters the vein with a realistic flashback of blood confirming proper needle placement

3) Replaceable skin and veins

4) Interchangeable realistic genitals endure repeated uses

Tellyes, Virtually Real

Stock code :833047

Address:2nd & 3rd Floor, West 6th Building, 18 West HaiTai Road, Tianjin, China






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