

Pneumothorax Percussion & Thoracostomy Catheter Removal Training Model

Product size(mm)925*435*305


This training model is a real human torso from head to groin with soft and realistic skin.

It is designed to develop the training skills in pneumothorax percussion, Pneumothorax needle decompression, thoracostomy catheter removal

Skills Gained

· Pneumothorax Percussion & sound recognition

· Pneumothorax diagnosis 

· Recognition of extubation indication of closed thoracic drainage tube

· Removal of closed thoracic drainage tube

· Pneumothorax needle decompression



· Anatomy:

Precise and palpable landmarks: clavicle, sternal angle, costal bone, intercostal space, costal arches (left and right), epigastric angle, Xiphoid process, anterior superior iliac spine, umbilicus, pubic

symphysis, groin.


· Key Features: 

1) Resonance for the healthy side and hyper resonance for the affected side.

2) Pneumothorax needle decompression can be performed, and air will release after successful puncture. The puncture modules have puncture resistance characteristics, can be repeatedly punctured, and can withstand no less than 500 times of puncture without leakage of air.

3) Closed thoracic drainage tube can be inserted, and intermittent bubbles emerge in the drainage bottle.

4) Recognition of extubation indication of close thoracic drainage tube can be learned. The bubbles in the drainage bottle will reduce or disappear.

5) The placement and removal of the closed thoracic drainage tube can be performed repeatedly.

After the removal of the closed thoracic drainage tube, the placement and removal can be performed repeatedly.

Tellyes, Virtually Real

Stock code :833047

Address:2nd & 3rd Floor, West 6th Building, 18 West HaiTai Road, Tianjin, China






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